An Introduction to Multimac
Multimac was first established in 1995, when mechanical engineer and our founder, Kevin Macliver, had his fourth child. Despite having two seven seater cars already to accommodate all six members of the family, Kevin found that life wasn’t any easier, and travelling as a family was still clunky and awkward. In addition to this, Kevin thought (quite sensibly) that any car back seat that was large enough to comfortably seat three adults should be suitable to seat three or four children. So, as a result, Kevin began working to create a solution for this problem which was faced by parents of three or more children all over the world, and thus, Multimac was born.
Since Multimac landed on the market, we’ve sold thousands of Multimacs to families across the globe, and made road trips and general travel as a family so much easier for them all. However, there are still millions of families that manage without a Multimac, so how do they manage it?
Should I get a seven seater?
The first obvious alternative, and Kevin’s original solution, was to purchase a seven seater car. The average seven seater is longer than a typical car, with two additional seats in the back which can be folded up or down when it’s needed. Seems like the simple solution, however, with one or two seats in the boot, you’re seriously reducing boot space when they’re in use; if both seats in the very back of the car are being used, the boot space is almost non-existent. Not exactly ideal for families travelling with enough luggage for five or six people.
The other major concern is that the rear two seats are situated in the crumple zone of the vehicle, so are extremely unsafe. If someone was to go into the back of you, that’s the last place you would like to be sitting. Imagine someone going into the back of you on the motorway at speeds up to 70mph… Little tip – if you ever find yourself in a 7 seater taxi, steer clear of the back seats!
For someone who likes cars, seven seaters are also a bit of a disappointment in other ways: as they definitely lack in dynamic ability and aesthetics compared to the majority of other cars. Having a three or four seater Multimac in the back seat of your car, allows you to keep your beloved car; and you’re still able to use the car without the Multimac, as it can be removed in less than five minutes!
Seven seaters tend to be longer and more awkward to manoeuvre, so finding parking round towns or finding parking spaces large enough to fit the vehicle isn’t a very fun experience. Not to mention, for larger families, getting a passenger out of either of the back seats is very awkward, and usually means at least one or two other people will need to get out of the way to allow the people in the very back row to climb out. Equally, imagine the emergency services having to get everyone out of the vehicle in the event of a crash and the struggle to reach passengers in the very rear.
In contrast to this, Multimac has been thoroughly crash tested, to the current and latest standards, and dramatically exceeds all requirements to the extent that we often have to repeat tests to prove that the excellent result was not a fluke.
Having a Multimac in the car would not only mean that you are able to utilise all your boot space, but you are saving your children from the crumple zone of the car and putting some important space between your family and the back of the car. In addition to this, the outright costs and running costs of a seven seater would almost definitely total up to costing more than a Multimac over the minimum of twelve years that the Multimac would last you.
What about a second car?
The same issues arise when you consider purchasing a second car instead of a Multimac. Finding a car cheaper than the Multimac, an average of £2000 or under, could prove to be difficult, and the cheaper or older the car you purchase, the less safety features it would have. Even if you are able to find a suitably safe car for less than the cost of a Multimac, you would then have to worry about paying for everything twice. Two sets of car insurance; road tax; fuel to fill up two tanks and then you’ve got to worry about paying for parking twice and finding two parking spaces before you can even exit your cars. So whilst you may have initially saved money, the subsequent costs would soon pile up and overtake the costs compared to purchasing a Multimac.
Part of the fun of travelling with your family is just that, travelling as a family. Two cars means that you’ll have to separate your family to travel, which is not only an inconvenience and less fun, but would undoubtedly cause arguments at some stage. One child doesn’t want to go with Dad, they want to go with Mum. One sibling doesn’t want to be in the car with another sibling. You get the picture, it’s extra stress that you simply just do not need when travelling. Multimac ellimates this; there’s one car to travel in, and typically each child will already have their own allocated seat in the Multimac. Easy peasy!
The only silver lining of travelling in convoy with two separate cars would be that you would have plenty of space. Two sets of boot space, room to spread out in the back seats and it does allow you to do separate activities or visit separate places when travelling. Unfortunately, financing two cars is just simply not an option for most families, let alone families with three or more children.
Multimac for the Win!
The Multimac was designed to resolve these issues, and has been the preference of so many families all over the world. We may be slightly biased, but we can confidently say that we believe Multimac is the simplest, safest and cheapest way to transport three or more children. You can transport your family safely, without having to get rid of your car, separate your family or put children at risk in the crumple zone of a seven seater vehicle.